ANITA Hand-held Calculators
ANITA 841 & minitron 841
Display is 8 digits, red LED.
4.5v (3x AA batteries).
69 mm x 118 mm x 24 mm (2.8" x 4.7" x 1").
Sumlock Comptometer Ltd., England
Circuit board of this example stamped 10 MAR 1975.
The rear aluminium cover slides up to replace the batteries.
There is an operating manual for this machine in the Operating Manuals & Leaflets section.
Has the three-pin adaptor socket so it can be powered from the ANITA AC Adaptor while containing disposable, non-rechargeable, batteries.
Box for the ANITA 841 "Slide Rule" calculator.
Here the circuit boards have been removed from the casing.
The rear of the circuit board.
Anita Hand-held Calculators
Text & photographs copyright © 2002 - 2023 Nigel Tout, except where noted otherwise.